Global Influence Initiative (GII) creates innovative, self-sustaining, educational programs around the world. We work with local organizations to provide high quality education that nurtures and empowers the individual to influence their immediate community and beyond. GII brings together local community leaders and parents, philanthropists and volunteers, technologists and teachers. We seek innovative ways to educate where a traditional model is not available.

Why Global Influence Academies?

The majority of our work centers around the Global Influence Academies. There is little hope for lasting, fruitful change until the most vulnerable and underserved can effectively influence their own destiny. Educating a community’s children breaks the chains of poverty, fear and conflict. With thoughtful and inspirational learning initiatives, children understand that their lives can be different, better. And, in turn, those children are motivated to make their world better.

What makes GII unique?

  1. We keep things simple. Corporate donors underwrite all administrative expenses so personal contributions directly fund the education of children and the transformation of communities. There you go. No cuts, no admin fees—it all makes a difference.
  2. We stay local. GII partners with local leaders and community members to ensure the viability of our initiatives. We work closely with the families in each location to understand the challenges and opportunities of each community. Where possible, we provide after-hours education for adults as well in order to help the entire community.
  3. All programs are designed to be self-sustaining so we can get a program started and move on to the next one. Everything is designed to be repeatable.
  4. We seek innovative ways to educate those for whom a traditional model is not available including our traveling teacher/tablet program and our future "school-in-a-box" program.

Key to Self-Sustaining Programs

The key to making a school self-sustaining is to provide such excellence that families who are able to pay are attracted to the school. This then provides resources for the school to offer education to children who cannot pay. Tuition is based on ability to pay. In most communities, this means that donated funds are used to establish the school, build (or initially rent) the facilities, purchase educational materials and pay the initial teacher's salaries. Over time, tuition will gradually pay more and more of the teacher's salaries so that eventually donations are used only to expand or improve the school. The day-to-day operation becomes self-sustaining!

If we let obstacles dictate our actions, we never realize our dreams.

David Davoust,  Entrepreneur and GII Founder